SMR = Small Modular Reactor




the nuclear energy sector wants to make a more significant contribution to a CO2 reduction by country




Terrapower SMR by Bill Gates - Reactor Concept Proposal does NOT work yet
The consortium members are: Assystem, Atkins, BAM Nuttall, Jacobs, Laing O’Rourke, National Nuclear Laboratory, Nuclear Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre, Rolls-Royce and TWI. does NOT work yet


 - Does the mid size 470 MW SMR/NPP make the race ? looks good - Rolls Royce Energie - #SMR #NPP #Rolls #Royce The consortium members are: Assystem, Atkins, BAM Nuttall, Jacobs, Laing O’Rourke, National Nuclear Laboratory, Nuclear Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre, Rolls-Royce and TWI.

























MSR Molten Salt Reactor - Nuclear Ship Steam Heater from the UK - single units into DBHD GDF



Die Einheiten gehen Einzeln runter ins DBHD Endlager



Core Power UK und NuScale US 





















download and zoom it in whatever you use : Browsers can zoom, Paint can zoom, Photoshop can zoom, other pixel related programs can zoom ...
JPG-Datei [876.8 KB]





this is a first scetch/plan concept for a research reactor


based in a deep rocksalt environment like DBHD that


can do no harm - even an explosion is not a problem




Todays nuclear new build is a challenge


It has to start with maximum SAFETY


otherwise no building permit ...




The nuclear industry has to give a DBHD


as a real nuclear waste storage


therefore they get one SMR on top



DBHD is long


a 30 m long SMR


is nothing in a


2.850 m deep


DBHD shaft


the SMR stands on top of the waste


we give them a real try - even three


but DBHD is still with gas-tight closure


by mountain pressure in warm rocksalt



Well - that is the story ...


for the next 30 years




that is a few intelligent guesses


by the Architekt V. Goebel




















Eine weitere Zukunfts-Musik ist das elektro-magnetische Bohren bis in Tiefen von 20 km.



Mit Energie-Wellen "Gesteine verdampfen" und mit Argon aus-spülen. - Am MIT haben die


Forscher schon einen 3 cm Granit damit "verdampft" - Die Forscher sind von den Möglich-


keiten der Tiefen Geothermie so begeistert, daas Sie QUAISE gegründet haben. - Immerhin


konnten in 2021 ca. 6 Mio. EUR Start-Up Money eingesammelt werden. Nabors International


Arch. Goebel schaut sich das an, weil DBHD 3.0.3 so ein Bohrverfahren gut brauchen kann.









Was bisher tatsächlich im Labormaßstab zum Thema Gesteine verdampfen geleistet wurde. Immerhin MIT / USA



















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Architekt CH / Volker Goebel / Dipl.-Ing. / Tel: ++49 178 40 49 665 DE / /