Grain-Trains Rolling 02 - Getreide-Züge rollen - Seite 02 Getreide-Brücke - EU Solidarity Lanes Ukraine - YES - Grain-Trains-Ukraine







It seem to have started : EU and UA began to talk - engineer looks that technical details do not get lost


still a long way to go ... Thank you very much - detailed information further down the page ...


Trade and Transport Grain-Trains-Ukraine - no wonders - just pure logic behaviour ...









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more - see fürther down on this page ...







Please invite the engineer planners Goebel and Gorunenko to EU Brussels


We do a work meeting - you get Grain-Train-Ukraine better understanding


Gorunenko needs formal letter invitation to be able to leave the country


Only Olena Fesenko is allowed to ask for the adress for this invitation ...


Goebel needs the money to organize a 3 day stay in Brussels + Transport



















EU approached Rail-Logistic-Planner-Team Grain-Trains-Ukraine with a friendly letter


Here is the planning teams answer - we see it as possible - we ask for EU budget ...



There is no need to block russian grain and fertilizer exports - Feed the world





READ IT - then you understand it - good luck
Plan How to do train transports to Ukra[...]
PDF-Dokument [882.8 KB]


















This plan is still valid - and the prices for grain are still on record high level








And we are still slow : Tax payers money - operated by economy companies


who pay government rail companies and harbour staff for their services ...



And all it needs is a satelite phone to go online with a bigger laptop to


pay every delivery, every transport fee, and to receive buyers money ?


Needs a start invest by EU countries - a company that needs constantly money


every month ? - or that operates with a black "0" every end of the month ...



Lets start rail transports to Ukraine - Container trains to rebuild Ukraine.


Dipl.-Ing. Arch. Volker Goebel /YES, Logistic-Planning is his real passion ...


And Vitalii Gorunenko wrote he will help - Grain-Train-Ukraine Plan is ripe.


For that the lights do no go out in Ukraine - for our friends in Europe.











Countries that have already joined the Ukrainian initiative
"Grain from Ukraine" :
▪️Belgium has announced a contribution of €10 million for grain and transports.
▪️France will allocate 6 million euros in addition to the 14 million previously allocated to the UN World Food Programme.
▪️Austria will provide an additional €3.8 million to supply grain from Ukraine to Sudan and Ethiopia.
▪️Poland will allocate 20 million euros.
▪️The Netherlands announced the allocation of 4 million euros.
▪️Hungary will allocate $3.5 million.
▪️Canada will allocate 30 million Canadian dollars.
▪️Japan will provide assistance in the amount of $14 million.
▪️Germany will contribute 15 million euros.
Well - you shall all get your grain, to feed your people and
to reduce market price of grain for many other countries ...
Ing. Goebel added up that you invest 106,3 Mio. EUR for grain supplies.
The grain grows with sun and water from heaven send - What you pay
is the farmers work, machines and sweat - and the transport costs for
that the grain reaches your tables. - So 106,3 Mio. EUR are in for grain.
(Got the numbers from a Facebook page - Are the numbers correct so ?)
Lets think about transports to the indicated EU harbours
There is many railway network included - they all want
to pull waggons. Hello PKP Cargo Poland, hello DB Cargo,
hello Slovakia, Austria, Slovenia Lane - we need you !
hello Danzig Lane to harbour - you already carry grain !!
hello Poland, harbours Hamburg, Rotterdam Lane - YES !
hello Moldavia, Romania - you are the first lane - YES !!!
We let you know what lane operates what amounts. - For
urgent supplies - send a ship to Constanta / Romania - that
lane works already. - We let you know - we are working live ...
We expect funding by a supra-national organisation called EU !
Or do you send your grain money to Ing. Goebel bank account ?
27.11.2022 - after first round of Nations-Grain-Buyer-Table
that train-transport-job includes a hell of a lot of book-keeping work
and this is the man willing and able to do connect UA to Europe :






Ingenieurbüro Goebel / Architect-Engineering Office



Herr Volker Goebel / Mr. Volker Goebel / Architect CH


Diplom-Ingenieur Arch. / Diploma-Engineer in Architecture


Industrie-Meister Metall / Master of Metal Industry




Endlager-Planung / Geological Disposal Facility Planning


Bahn-Logistik / Rail Logistic Planning


Gebäude / Architectural-Building-Plans




Schlehenweg 4

58095 Hagen



Tel 0178 40 49 665 DE







Freiberufler nach § 18 EStG.


Steuer ID Nr. 83 721 895 409 

Steuernummer 321 / 2185 / 0287


zuständig : Finanzamt Hagen

Veranlagungs-Bezirk 031





Bankverbindung – Züricher Kantonalbank

IBAN     CH16 0070 0110 0038 6441 5



Bankverbindung - Maerkische Bank eG HA DE

IBAN     DE60 4506 0009 0036 8534 00






Wir zeigen Einnahmen und Ausgaben / We show money coming in and going out 


wenn es öffentliches Geld ist ... / if it is public money - in this case it is ...










Attention - we need a 2nd Lokomotive in this train - means less cargo - Vitalii ...





Technical data of 1x Grain-Train-Ukraine - Standard-Train is :



- 33 Waggons all in all


- 2.475 tons grain net


- plus Sunflower-Oil Waggon (half lenth)

- plus Diesel Waggon (half lenght)

- plus Staff, Office Waggon

- plus platform waggon for Kongskilde Grain-Blower-Set (half length)


- plus platform waggon for concrete-sleepers (new) (half length)


negotiated maximal train length 620 Meter


including the 6.000 kW E-Lokomotive


travel speed 120 km/h guaranteed




it needs 10 train arrivals / day to carry 3 Mio. tons grain net / month


therefore it needs 40 trains running all year around to achieve that


2 days tour to EU harbour - 2 days tour back to Ukraine (incl. sleeping)











Ukraine has the choice concerning the new concrete sleepers


but basically we start to deliver the solid and actual German


concrete sleepers - Hello UA Serhii Leschenko please confirm.



We have to change phone numbers anyway ...



Check catalogue .pdf - and we also deliver the measurement


of the actual concrete-sleepers shown in the photo. What you


see is an EU idea - i have to check delivery times / quantities











never forget to do what the boss wants - EU Commissioner

for Rail Transport Ms. Ioana Valean is watching me and you.

















Dear Gitte, dear Ian at Kongskilde - thank you for being with us in 2nd approach after EU invitation








and yes - it is still about BULK CONTAINERS - Grain, Coal, Building materials - 20, 30, 40 ft.



















We have a very competitive standing offer from Poland Railway PKP Cargo :


that is very moderate prices - Poland showing good friendship with Ukraine.










Ing. Goebel wants to sign that frame-concract for rail freight with PKP Cargo Poland


when EU puts real money for real transports in ...



Thanks to everybody who participated so far.



Volker Goebel























The engineers received a small Hello letter from Ukraine ministry of agriculture - 08.05.2023


Die Logistik-Planer haben einen kleinen Hallo Brief vom Ministerium für Agrar-Politik und

Ernährungs der Ukraine erhalten. - 08.05.2023



Планувальники логістики отримали маленький привітальний лист від Міністерства аграрної політики та

Харчова Україна отримала. - 08.05.2023р



















Der Brief im Original als Zitat - Lettertext as a quote - Лист в оригіналі як цитата



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Die EU - Erst zollfreier Export - Dann Embargo - !!!



Wirtschaftlich ist die Ukraine zur überlebensfähig wenn Sie Getreide und Öl/Saaten exportieren kann


Die importierenden Länder - wo gar kein Getreide in dem Umfang wachsen kann - brauchen Getreide


Mit den Grain-Trains-Ukraine lösen wir das Logistik-Problem und Transport-Problem - unser Wille ...


Die Implementierung eines Handels- und Transport Systems für die Neu-Ausrichtung eines 90 Mrd. €


Markts mit einem jährlichen Transport-Volumen von 300 Mio. Tonnen ist DRINGEND NOTWENDIG und


stellt einen Kraftakt dar - der mit der Anmietung von Lokomotiven und Waggons und Bulk Containern


beginnt - Die Ingenieure werden einige Monate selbst immer vor Ort sein um das System genauer


auszumessen und auf Werte einzustellen die für alle Beteiligten akzeptabel sind ... Die EU ist 1 Jahr


verspätet - die Ukrainer haben bisher auch zu langsam die Gedanken bewegt - Aber jetzt kommt es


wie das Amen in der Kirche - Grain-Trains-Ukraine. Transit Container Trains for Grain to EU harbours.


Wir sind eine moderne Konsens-Gesellschaft. - Als Ingenieure rufen wir zur Mitarbeit auf : Minister


Cem Özdemir / Landwirtschafts-Ministerium DE - UND - Frau Aussen-Ministerin Annalena Baerbock - 


Und - falls er Zeit hat auch - Herrn Wirtschafts-Minister Dr. Robert Habeck - Das ist ein EU Projekt mit


Muuga, Danzig, Hamburg, Bremen, Trieste und Constanta. - ALLE zusammen - Es braucht eine Start-


Finanzierung - wir werden mit ALLEN arbeiten die langfristig denken und HANDELN. Es braucht eine 


gültige einfache EU Projekt-Beschreibung mit legal framework check. >>> Grain-Trains-Rolling














ЄС - спочатку безмитний експорт - потім ембарго - !!!

Економічно Україна є життєздатною, якщо вона може експортувати зерно та олію/насіння

Країни-імпортери, де жодне зерно не може рости в такому обсязі, потребують зерна

З «Грейн-Поїздами-Україна» ми вирішуємо логістичну проблему та транспортну проблему – наша воля ...

Впровадження торгово-транспортної системи для перегрупування 90 мільярдів євро

ринок з річним обсягом перевезень 300 млн т ТЕРМІНОВО і

представляє tour de force - оренду локомотивів, вагонів і контейнерів для масових вантажів

починається - Інженери завжди будуть на місці протягом кількох місяців, щоб детальніше вивчити систему

виміряти та налаштувати до значень, прийнятних для всіх залучених сторін... ЄС становить 1 рік

пізно - досі українці надто повільно рухалися своїми думками - але тепер воно настає

як амінь у церкві - Зерно-Поїзди-Україна. Транзитні контейнерні поїзди для зерна до портів ЄС.

Ми — сучасне суспільство консенсусу. - Як інженери, ми закликаємо до співпраці: Міністр

Джем Оздемір / Міністерство сільського господарства DE - І - Пані Міністр закордонних справ Анналена Бербок -

І – якщо матиме час – пан міністр економіки д-р. Роберт Хабек - Це проект ЄС с

Мууга, Гданськ, Гамбург, Бремен, Трієст і Констанца. - ВСІ разом - Треба почати

Фінансування - ми будемо працювати з ВСІМ, хто думає і ДІЄ в довгостроковій перспективі. Потрібно один

дійсний простий опис проекту ЄС із перевіркою правової бази. >>> Котуються зерновози






























How to implement Grain-Trains-Ukraine within 3 month ?



- talking - negotiating contracts - involving EU partners,


doing legal framework - renting trains - negotiation with


railway companies - trade sellers - rail stations - harbours


grain-buyers NGOS, Governments, Grain Traders - Transit


Export - AND - Import - fill a container - put an adress on



Here is how EU and Ministry of agriculture UA and the


engineer started : - This is actually where Grain-Trains-


Ukraine might step into reality - it is about time now ...
















Good day!

The Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine received and
considered your letter. We draw your attention to the fact that the letter is incorrect
addressee is specified, so we are forced to reject it. 

Please specify in
letters addressed to the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine
- and send it again.

Thank you




Ing. Goebel : OK

PDF-Dokument [4.0 MB]




As Grain-Trains-Ukraine buy several types of grain to public, offical table prices,


we have to re-check if the table price calculation of the engineers still makes


sense for sellers and transporters and buyers ? - We work on a scientific base ...



Oh - prices are actually low - some adjustments in table price has to be done 


This time Brussel EU Administration puts in knowledge and EU politics ... 


UA has to ask for Grain-Trains-Ukraine Programm - ASK EU for IT - "we participate"



EU does take over the rail-grain-oil transit market with Bulk Container Trains 100 %


and then slowly giving the Special Grain-Trains and Lines back to the market ...


Transit trains to harbours on 5 EU coasts - no more flooding EU markets with dumping prices



its a repair action on a 30 Mio. Tons Market - 6.750.000.000 EUR grain and oil market


Fill a bulk container - and then quickly transport to Grain-Train-Hub-Rail Station


Grain-Trains are coming with bulk containers - Travel Time of containers is LIMITED



Be honest with the quality information you give - or we kick you out into nowhere


If you use EU banned pesticides - you are out of the game too ...










































































Money is Cotton with paper and ink - but Wheat, Barley, Rye and Corn humans can eat and digest


it is in fact 30 cm top soil and gods water and sun and agriculture wo-man that keeps humans alive 


feed the world ... GRAINS - are the difference between apes and succesful human civilisation life  








lets have a look what other Grain-Trains-Ukraine trade and transport :











Preise für reine Container-Transporte folgen :


Getreide und Sonnenblumen-Öl-und Öl-Früchte im  Export


Heizöl, Kohle, Zement, Stahl, Holz, Solarpaneele im Import



Preis für EU Bahnschwellen auf jedem Grain-Train folgen noch






Prices for pure container transport follow:

Cereals and sunflower oil and oil fruit exports

Import fuel oil, coal, cement, steel, wood, solar panels


Price for EU railway sleepers on each grain train to follow






Ціни на чисті контейнерні перевезення такі:

Експорт зернових та соняшникової олії та олійних плодів

Імпортують мазут, вугілля, цемент, сталь, деревину, сонячні панелі


Ціна на залізничні шпали на кожному зерновому вагоні далі












>>> go back to Original Grain-Train-Ukraine Plan


>>> go back to page 01 Grain-Trains-Rolling 01


>>> you are on : page 02 Grain-Trains-Rolling 02


>>> mayby you like to see Peace Plan RU UA too






Druckversion | Sitemap
Architekt CH / Volker Goebel / Dipl.-Ing. / Tel: ++49 178 40 49 665 DE / /