Building-Trains-Ukraine - Container-Handels-Zug - Wiederaufbau





Es liegt eine erneute EU Anfrage vor - Konferenz 03.07.2024 - 11:00 - Kyiv Time


wieder Bahn-Logistik - Container Züge - Wiederaufbau Ukraine & Neu Russland







Building Trains Ukraine.pdf
PDF-Dokument [36.7 KB]









Hier eine frühere Planung : Grain-Trains-Ukraine - eine geplante, spezielle Container-Zug Planung.






EU-Ukraine Solidarity Lanes
Business Matchmaking Platform



Dear Dipl.-Ing. Volker Goebel, 

? **Invitation to the virtual event: "From the Raw Materials Transport System to Intermodal Transportation: Changes and Modernization of Railway Transport Infrastructure to Increase Exports to the EU "**.

? **Date:** July 3, 2024
⏰ **Time:** 11:00 Kyiv time
? **Platform:** Online via Zoom











Building-Trains-Ukraine                                                  to EU commission



It needs cement and building materials to re-build destroyed parts of Ukrane.


That is a huge amount of material Ukraine can only buy in foreign countries.


It needs regular container trains – pumping IN Boxes – pumping OUT Boxes



It is far too difficult for any company to deal with 3 railway systems ! - XXL


And railway companies never want to load – the only want to push waggons


There has to be Building-Trains company specialzed on container trains to UA



It has to happen in the harbours and train stations – not in far away offices


Container arrives – is booked into system – Container rolls – Trading train


The train buys and sells – EU funded trains – to have „REGULAR TRAINS“



Ukraine has limited resources in money – therefore payment in Grain


It is about time to deliver EU wide concrete sleepers to roll deeper in




Grain-Train-Ukraine was made for Grain & Coal – but Odessa still open - so : Not yet



Building-Trains will have Containers too - It needs a building train transport company




1. Trains never should carry empty waggons or containers


2. Ukraine needs a massive amount of cement


3. Ukraine needs a new steel factory with oven


4. Ukraine needs electricity network equipment




From whatever finds a market in EU or ww – export it !!!


What ever Ukraine needs – buy from your export money



The countries who donate - would rather donate goods


then just giving corrupt Ukraine money on bank account


The EU state organisationes need only 1 partner – not 15



Author : Volker Goebel – Dipl.-Ing. Arch. - 29.06.2024                                                              1-2











The EU gives money a high amount – lets say 500 Mio. EUR – IMMEDIATE START



I start with oranizing trains – some 9 Mio. i spend fast on trains retal & container buy


The „Building-Trains- Ukraine Ltd.“ operate logic-system-container trains


With a certain amount of money we can transport 100 times market volume



It might cost 30 Mio. EUR per year – to transport goods worth 3.000 Mio. EUR !!!



A good „Building-Trains-Ukraine Ltd.“ company can also make gain after 2 years




Managing the 50 Mio. Tons Re-Build Ukraine transport problem with a low budget


With a company that is „overfinanced“ by an EU start guarantee of 500 Mio. EUR




Its a „Trading Train“ – Building-Trains „buy and sell“ in harbours and railstations


we can even operate these trains under war condition on the open field – as long


as there are tracks – and Building Trains deliver sleepers in EU width



Cement and Building materials IN, Sleepers IN, Diesel, Machines IN –


5 types of Metal Ores OUT and 4 Grain types OUT and Top 1a Sunfloweroil OUT -




Its a Container Train with some specail waggons in … There is staff on the trains



The biggest start-up company Europe has ever had – financed by EU commission




100 trains per day is our target > RUN



Regular Container Trains > DAILY



„Building-Trains-Ukraine“ > LOAD




well – lets get it started – the architect leads it – its his concept – a concept under heat



We always operate this company - in the size that is required to the market neeeds …



The most successful war and peace logistic chief in Germany – is always an architect               2-2





Best regards from Germany


Volker Goebel


Dipl.-Ing. Arch.


EU Solidarity Lanes





















Building Trains Ukraine.pdf
PDF-Dokument [36.7 KB]
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Architekt CH / Volker Goebel / Dipl.-Ing. / Tel: ++49 178 40 49 665 DE / /